You label me a troll because you cannot challenge the validity of my arguments. Invalidate the messenger, invalide the message.
Stand for Pure Worship
JoinedPosts by Stand for Pure Worship
What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?
by Julia Orwell inmost of us here on jwn, while we can get a bit narky at times, can put forth intelligent arguments and sound observations.
sure we can get bogged down with our opinions, but generally we back up our opinions with examples and evidence, and if someone has a different opinion with examples and evidence, we accept that without recriminations.
that's what adults do.. so my question is, why in the last week or so, have a couple of posters claiming to be jws come onto this forum and berated, spewed hate and judgement, and in some cases verbally attacked members personally?
What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?
by Julia Orwell inmost of us here on jwn, while we can get a bit narky at times, can put forth intelligent arguments and sound observations.
sure we can get bogged down with our opinions, but generally we back up our opinions with examples and evidence, and if someone has a different opinion with examples and evidence, we accept that without recriminations.
that's what adults do.. so my question is, why in the last week or so, have a couple of posters claiming to be jws come onto this forum and berated, spewed hate and judgement, and in some cases verbally attacked members personally?
Stand for Pure Worship
Ms.Orwell I recieved your PMs, and I prefer not to open or read them. The reason being, they're Private Messages, and quite frankly such methods of communication make me uncomfortable. To engage in private dialogue is the online equivalent of being in a car alone with someone of the opposite sex which would be inappropriate. There's no telling where the slippery slope of private messaging could lead us. Before you know it we may even exchange cell phone numbers or even worse. So to play it safe, lets keep our discussions in the public square.
I feel the need to defend myself as a trend I've noticed with the ex-JW community is, you believe this forum belongs to you. However, this forum is in fact open to all that wish to discuss matters peculiar to the WT and subsequently JWs. That said, the hostility that I and other so called JW apologists have recieved, is quite frankly, disturbing and uncalled for. Also, I find it discouraging how when I or again a so called apologist posts on a thread and our post is in harmony with the thread topic, we get bombarded with posts that are not on topic such as questions related to defending 1914 or this or that. It just goes to show that many within the ex-JW community are incapable of defending the positions they supposedly feel so strongly about.
One last thing I feel the need to stress, it's not that I'm running from any conversations as much as my posting limits are quite limited. If and when my posting privileges are at maximum capacity, I will be posting a lot more. In fact I have some fellow JW apologists planning on registering to make these discussions more even. As far as it being wrong for me to post here because the Slave said so, show me where? If you do have such material, where these commandments? Or suggestions? If what was stated was a suggestion, than I'm not breaking any so called JW protocol. That again demonstrates a problem with the ex-JW community. The Slave makes suggestion, and you swear it was a commandment from God Himself. But more about that later.
Young children baptism
by zound into further push the young children baptisms take a look at this image:.
Stand for Pure Worship
WH, I agree it is a weighty decision and children, nor teenagers should be pressured to do so. They should however be encouraged to make it a goal and the decision should be soley their own.
Young children baptism
by zound into further push the young children baptisms take a look at this image:.
Stand for Pure Worship
There's no Scriptural indicator that one shouldn't be either. Besides, there are several accounts within the Scriptures highlighting examples of young servants of Jehovah. Mostly on the Hebrew side of the Bible prior to baptisms but nonetheless every bit as dedicated to the True God as the Christians mentioned in the CG Scriptures. Also, one can assume Timothy likely got baptized at a young age considering he was trained from infancy and took on leadership roles within the Christian congregation at a young age. It warms my heart to see young people today dedicating themselves to Jehovah and having an active role in His organization.
Young children baptism
by zound into further push the young children baptisms take a look at this image:.
Stand for Pure Worship
Children are capable of making well informed decisions.
What has happened to Jehovah's Witnesses???
by DATA-DOG ini know this is old news, but as i sit here, and ponder the upcoming agm, i can't help but think, " what happened?!!
" i actually awoke an hour before my alarm went off, just thinking of everything that is bothering me about the wtbts.
approach this list as a born-in, someone who was told that you were different from everyone else.
Stand for Pure Worship
Also, I say to you, You are Peter,and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation. -Matt 16:18
The organization's growth and adaptability throughout the years is clear evidence of Jehovah's blessing.
So many wisecracks....
by Caupon ini attended the agm and god, it's as if they are trying to entettain the audience.
it is like they don't even have a regard to being serious anymore, which makes me sick.
how am i supposed to focus on what you're really trying to say if all most everything you do say is feignly amusing.
Stand for Pure Worship
I agree with you, in fact the same witticism wisecracking nature is far too permeated within the organization, at least in our circuit. It's definitely something that needs to be kept in check for fear we become like the churches, wearing jeans for days of worship, and holding bingo nights. Or, turning a blind eye to serious matters such as heavy petting fooling ourselves thinking that its not a concern as its not fornication. Being a True Christian and practicing Pure Worship are not matters to be taken lightly. In my experiences the more lighthearted a congregation was, the more likely it had problems. That's not to say that as Christians we cant laugh or enjoy recreation, but for the most part we need to maintain discipline. These are serious times we live in and our outlook should reflect the same in harmony with 1 Pet 3:8,11; Titus 2:2, and especially Philippians 4:8.
AGM Release: The New, Improved New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Oubliette inthis just in from the annual meeting: a new release of the new, improved new world translation of the holy scriptures.
(reposted from
Stand for Pure Worship
Have to admit, I wasn't a fan of the gray cover either, but it's growing on me. More important though, is the content. It goes without saying that the NWT was already the most accurate Bible available in modern times, and now it's content is even more precise and more readable to boot.
by The Searcher incan anyone save me the stress of listening to the self-appointed faithful & discreet slave for 3 hours, and give a clue as to roughly at what point in the proceedings was the derogatory term 'bum witnesses used, and by whom?
i'd really love to extract that comment and send it to a weakening witness, to highlight the judgmental arrogance and name-calling being displayed.. many thanks in advance folks!.
Stand for Pure Worship
Thank you Splash. As usual the peaNut gallery here at JWN are grasping for anything to discredit and criticize the GB. Or they're looking too far into something said from the platform or in the literature. Just like the 1975 self-victims. They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75". Now they're doing it all over again. Bums.
AGM Release: The New, Improved New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Oubliette inthis just in from the annual meeting: a new release of the new, improved new world translation of the holy scriptures.
(reposted from
Stand for Pure Worship
hmph, laugh now God-haters.